Monday, October 1, 2007

Darkness of Self

I want to scream, I want to yell, I want to cry my lungs out to the winds. I want to let the Furies, Valkyries, strange Demons take me and devour me in their everlasting anger, hate and gore. I cannot stand to take this life any more than the sole flower, weak and tiny, can stand in the furious anger of the mighty hurricane. I wish the life in me was snuffed out like the mere flame in the small and precious candle that lights up nothing the dark and dreary tower of the night itself. The great and powerful calling that my eart once heard is lost now and all I can hear, and barely, is the silence that permeates every molecule of my entire being. My atoms are no longer aligned, my body es decomposing itself in the strang attire that once held it together, my self, once strong and unbeatable, is now broken. I dare not stand, I cannot stand, I will not stand.
I fall.

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